Mon gros cahier d'anglais
- Les chansons à écouter
- A bed in the bedroom
- Head and shoulders
- Here is my family
- Hey diddle diddle
- Hot - cold
- How many armchairs are there
- Hush-a-bye, baby
- In september
- In the classroom
- Incy wincy spider
- It's Monday, a grey day
- Let's go swimming
- Music
- My ball
- My beautiful ship
- One, two, three, four, five
- One-two-three
- Pat-a-cake
- Rain, rain, go away
- Row, row, row your boat
- The elephant and the giraffe
- The wheels on the bus
- Thirsty and hungry
- This little piggy
- Three blind mice
- Twinkle, twinkle, little star
- Under the rainbow
- When the sun shines
- Where's the ruler?